
Usage Agreement

Usage Agreement


1. Parties

This Website Terms of Use ("Terms of Use") is prepared at the moment when the User who enters the Website and/or becomes a member by approving the use of the Website by the User in the electronic environment where the Website is located, between Lam Plastik and the User.

The User agrees and declares that he/she has read the entire Terms of Use, fully understood its content, and approved all its provisions by accessing the Website and/or becoming a member.

2. Definitions

· Buyer: Refers to the user who purchases the goods and/or services offered for sale by the Seller by using the Services offered on the Website.

· Seller: Lam Plastik.

· Lam Plastik Services (Briefly "Service"): Refers to the applications presented within the Website by Lam Plastik to enable Users to perform their activities and transactions defined in the Terms of Use.

· User/Member: Refers to the real or legal person who enters the Website and/or becomes a member and benefits from the Services offered on the Website, within the conditions specified in this Terms of Use. Sellers and Buyers become Users by registering as members on the Website.

· Seller: Refers to the User who legally owns and has the right to dispose of the goods and/or services offered for sale to other Users by using the Services offered on the Website.

· Product: Refers to all kinds of goods and/or services offered for sale by the Seller on the Website.

· Website: Refers to the website consisting of the domain name www.lamplastik.com.tr/online and its subdomains.

3. Subject and Scope of the Agreement

· The subject of the User Agreement is to determine the Services offered on the Website, the conditions of benefitting from these Services, and the rights and obligations of the parties.

· The scope of the User Agreement includes all statements such as warnings, writings, and explanations made by Lam Plastik within the Website related to the use, membership, and Services.

· By accepting the provisions of the User Agreement, you have also accepted that you will comply with all kinds of statements made by Lam Plastik within the Website related to the use, membership, and Services.

4. Membership and Service Usage Conditions

· Membership is completed by the registration process to the Website section by the person who wants to become a User by sending the necessary information to the Website and the approval of the registration process by Lam Plastik. The right and authority to become a User defined in this User Agreement cannot be obtained without completing the membership process.

· To become a member of the Website, it is necessary to be of legal age and not to have been temporarily suspended or permanently banned from membership by Lam Plastik. Minors or persons who have been temporarily suspended or permanently banned from membership by Lam Plastik cannot become members of the Website.

5. Rights and Obligations

5.1 User's Rights and Obligations

a. When performing the membership procedure, benefiting from the Services of the Website, and performing any transaction related to the Services on the Website, the User undertakes to act in accordance with all the terms and conditions set forth in the User Agreement, the rules specified in the relevant sections of the Website, and all applicable legislation, and acknowledges, declares, and undertakes that they understand and accept all the aforementioned terms and rules.

b. In cases where it is alleged that the rights of other Users or third parties have been violated in accordance with the mandatory provisions of the applicable legislation, together with the provisions set forth in the Privacy Policy, Lam Plastik is authorized to disclose its confidential/private/commercial information to the competent authorities and the rightful persons, and therefore, the User agrees, declares, and undertakes that no compensation can be claimed from Lam Plastik under any name.

c. The security, storage, prevention of third-party access, and use of access tools (username, password, etc.) used by the Users to benefit from the Services offered by Lam Plastik are entirely the responsibility of the Users. Lam Plastik does not have any direct or indirect liability for any damages that the Users or third parties may suffer or may suffer due to all negligence and faults of the Users regarding the security, storage, prevention of third-party access, and use of access tools to the system.

d. Users accept, declare, and undertake that the information and contents provided by themselves on the Website, including the correctness and legality thereof. Lam Plastik is not obligated or responsible for investigating the accuracy of the information and contents sent, modified, or provided by the Users to Lam Plastik via the Website or guaranteeing that such information and contents are secure, accurate, and legal. In addition, Lam Plastik cannot be held liable for any damages that may arise from such information and contents being incorrect or faulty.

e. Without the written consent of Lam Plastik, the User cannot transfer their rights and obligations under the User Agreement, in whole or in part, to any third party.

f. Those who benefit from the Services offered by Lam Plastik and use the Website can only perform transactions on the Website for lawful purposes. The legal and criminal responsibility for every transaction and action performed by the Users on the Website belongs to the Users themselves. Each User undertakes not to reproduce, copy, distribute, process, or otherwise infringe upon the proprietary or personal rights or property of Lam Plastik or any other third party by reproducing, copying, distributing, processing, or otherwise performing these actions on the pictures, texts, visual and audio images, video clips, files, databases, catalogs, and lists on the Website, either directly or indirectly.

5.2 Rights and Obligations of Lam Plastik

a. Lam Plastik reserves the right to change the Services and content offered on its website at any time, and to restrict or delete information and content uploaded to the system by Users, including themselves and third parties. Lam Plastik may exercise this right without any prior notice. Users must promptly comply with any changes requested by Lam Plastik. Users are responsible for compensating for any damages resulting from their failure to comply with change or correction requests made by Lam Plastik.

b. Lam Plastik may provide links to other websites, files, or content on its website that are owned and operated by third-party sellers, providers, or other third parties outside of Lam Plastik's control. These links may be provided by Users or by Lam Plastik solely for reference purposes and do not constitute any statement or warranty of support for the website or its content. Lam Plastik has no responsibility for any services or products offered or their content through the portals, websites, files, or content accessed through links on its website.

c. Lam Plastik does not serve as a mediator or arbitrator in disputes between Users that arise regarding the Services provided on its website or the Products featured on it.

d. Lam Plastik may scan and remove any messages or content that violate the website's rules, general ethics, the User Agreement, or are deemed unacceptable by Lam Plastik. Lam Plastik may terminate a User's membership temporarily or permanently without prior notice.

e. Acceptance and implementation of the User Agreement does not create a partnership, agency, or employer-employee relationship between Lam Plastik and the User.

f. Users agree to not violate any third-party legal rights, such as copyrights, trademarks, or trade names, when choosing a username. If a User violates this provision, Lam Plastik may request the User to correct the violation, or terminate their membership without prior notice.

6. Privacy Terms

Lam Plastik can use the information about Users in accordance with the regulations in the Privacy Terms on this Website. Lam Plastik will not use confidential information about Users contrary to the User Agreement and Privacy Terms.

7. Intellectual Property Rights

a. Users cannot resell, share, distribute, display, reproduce, create derivative works or adaptations based on, or permit anyone else to access or use Lam Plastik's Services, information or copyrightable works provided via the Website, unless otherwise specified in a separate agreement with Lam Plastik. In case of noncompliance, Users shall be liable for any and all obligations, including but not limited to any compensation claimed by Lam Plastik, licensors or any third parties for damages suffered, court expenses, and attorney fees.

b. All assets and rights related to Lam Plastik's Services, information, copyrightable works, trademarks, trade dress, or any other tangible or intangible property rights, including but not limited to all proprietary rights, trade secrets, know-how, are reserved and owned by Lam Plastik.

c. Users undertake to comply with all intellectual and industrial property rights owned by Lam Plastik and other Users provided through the Website.

8. Contractual Amendments

Lam Plastik may unilaterally change this User Agreement and its annexes at any time as it deems appropriate, by announcing the changes on the Website. The updated terms and conditions shall take effect from the date of announcement, while the rest of the provisions shall continue to be valid.

9. Force Majeure

Lam Plastik shall not be responsible for any delay, deficiency, or non-performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement, in cases that are legally considered force majeure events. No delay, deficiency or non-performance or default shall be deemed to have occurred, nor shall the User be entitled to claim any compensation whatsoever from Lam Plastik for such events. Force majeure events shall be interpreted as events that are outside the reasonable control of Lam Plastik and unavoidable despite its necessary precautions, including but not limited to natural disasters, riots, wars, strikes, cyber attacks, communication problems, infrastructure and internet failures, system improvements or upgrades, and any other unavoidable events such as power cuts or adverse weather conditions.

10. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The Turkish Law shall govern the implementation, interpretation and management of the legal relationships arising from this User Agreement. Any dispute arising from or related to this User Agreement shall be resolved exclusively by the Turkish courts, without prejudice to the consumer's right to apply to the consumer court or consumer arbitration tribunal where applicable.